UFOs Create Cosmic Grids Around Earth (VIDEO)

UFOs Create Cosmic Grids Around Earth (VIDEO)

In the course of his observations of UFOs while working for the New Zealand military, Bruce Cathy made a remarkable discovery. He noticed a consistent pattern - these unidentified crafts seemed to be consistently following straight lines. As he meticulously mapped out their trajectories, a distinctive grid pattern emerged, and Cathy couldn't ignore the peculiar alignment of military bases along these grid lines, a phenomenon dating back to World War II.

Speculating that the military might have decoded an Extraterrestrial manual, harnessing the energy of this cosmic grid, Cathy's findings echo the beliefs of ancient philosophers like Plato. They asserted that sacred sites were deliberately positioned along the Earth's surface, conforming to what they referred to as a world grid.

Building upon this concept, researcher Ivan T. Anderson created his own planetary grid based on Cathy's work, becoming a foundation that subsequent researchers would elaborate on. Russian scientists meticulously cataloged 3,300 sites and found that each structure served as an intersection on this elusive geometric grid, with its origins often traced back to the Great Pyramid.

The underlying principle connecting these diverse points on the Earth's surface is pure geometry. Everything vibrates at a frequency, and understanding this frequency can allegedly grant control over various phenomena. The significance of certain locations, such as the Monola Volcano at 19.47 latitude, or the Kakua region known as the "pathway of the Gods," ties into the broader cosmic grid theory.

Examining celestial bodies further reveals intriguing alignments. The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Easter Island, the Hawaiian volcanoes, and even Mars and Jupiter all share a common latitude of 19.5 degrees. This consistent pattern led to the acceptance of the idea that specific locations on Earth might serve as portals or wormholes in space.

As our understanding of physics deepens, the possibility of accessing these portals on Earth becomes more plausible. Manipulating electromagnetic fields could, theoretically, distort the fabric of SpaceTime. The Hawaii hotspot, known for its rich magma source and crystalline materials, plays a crucial role. Crystals exhibiting the piezoelectric effect create electromagnetic fields, and if strong enough, could potentially induce changes in SpaceTime geometry, leading to the creation of portal-like phenomena.

The enigma surrounding the cosmic grid, UFO sightings, and ancient sacred sites continues to captivate researchers. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, the connections between seemingly disparate elements may offer profound insights into the fabric of our reality.


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