The US Government has just admitted to recovering UFO materials

The US Government has just admitted to recovering UFO materials

The former Canadian security minister has just revealed that the US government was aware that aliens had reached Earth to warn of the planet’s impending doom and provide assistance.

However, since the aliens were considered a threat, the government released a “shoot first, ask questions later” order.

Aliens Have Been Visiting Earth For Decades

“Decades earlier, explorers from other worlds warned us of where we were going and promised to o help,” the official quote read. However, we (or at least some of us) mistook their visits for a threat and chose to fire first and ask questions later.” Although the official announcement of UFOs is important, researchers of the phenomena have stated that they predicted it. For several years, they were said to have been subjected to campaigns of mockery and secrecy about the phenomena.

The government is to blame for the many ludicrous articles that surface in newspapers on a regular basis, articles that are mocked despite the fact that the subject of the articles exists and the government is aware of it.

Those who believe in UFOs are no longer mocked as much as they once were. This should have raised some eyebrows because the truth is rarely shared by the mass media, particularly when the topic is one of the most mysterious in the world.

Mainstream Media is Controlled By A Small Group of People

The majority of the mass media is controlled by a select number of individuals, as declassified records and whistleblowers have made painfully evident.

The intelligence services have a close relationship with almost every major wire service, TV network, and publication, and this has resulted in some intelligence loss reports becoming intelligence success stories, as well as assisting in the determination of the authenticity of many others.

Amber Lyon, Sharyl Attkisson, and Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, among others, have detailed what it’s like to operate in a media company controlled by the government and deep state interests. Most of the reasons that conventional UFO disclosure has been questioned is because of this.

Military Said Objects in Our Atmosphere Are Technically More Advanced Than Anything on Earth When examined from a scientific perspective, the UFO hypothesis was apparent to those who investigated it. There has been a lot of testing done to prove that UFOs are possible, and Admiral Hill Norton, the former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, said that objects in the atmosphere have been observed that are technologically more sophisticated than anything they might deploy.

The MK-Ultra program was kept secret for several years before knowledge of its existence became so clear that the government had no choice but to reveal it. The same thing is happening with UFOs these days. There have been several reliable witness statements as well as records published under the Freedom of Information Act.

Is it possible that now that the Pentagon has confessed to having a UFO scheme, UFOs will actually be revealed? Might it actually be a sly means of releasing information while concealing still more valuable information?

Is The Government Still Hiding Something?

“Why is the media treating this story the way they are?” historian Richard Dolan, one of the most influential UFO thinkers and scholars, asked. I’ve been warning for years that the mass media, the establishment media, will never cover the UFO issue seriously, until they are completely forced to the breaking point, at which point they will act.

So, what really is going on in this situation? Why has the establishment chosen to bring this message out as they are the voice of the establishment (mainstream media)?

“I’m not aware of any attempt in the mainstream media to follow up on this (UFO fragments) and figure out…where this comes from… I’m not joking…So, it’s been five months, and we’re still not faced with a serious mass media campaign for that cause alone. I’ve sent word from a reliable source that the compounds they’ve discovered aren’t metal alloys, but rather meta-materials… It’s a whole different story…. I asked the person I spoke with where the word “metal alloy” came from, and he said it came from Luis Elizondo. “No, it didn’t come from him,” I was told.

Richard went on to say that it’s possible that a little sliver of the truth, as the government needs us to believe, is the whole truth. It does throw up some important points that the mass media seems to have overlooked in the wake of the latest exposure of UFOs. “The only way to keep a secret is to claim to share it, to let some true knowledge away, as they did,” Dolan said. “There were some major disclosures here, significant confessions, and something more was not followed up on.”

He went on to say that there has been no follow-up on the suspected possession of UFO-recovered artifacts. “Yes, there has been a crashed craft, and bodies have been recovered,” Dr. Edgar Mitchell and the Apollo 14 astronauts said. They have been coming here for a long time; we are not alone in the universe. I have been given the luxury of knowing that we have been visited on this planet and that the UFO phenomenon is real.”

Alloys Collected From Crashed UFO Had Amazing Properties

According to reports, scientists collected alloys from the crashed UFO and studied them, discovering that it was a compound they didn’t recognize with incredible properties. Strange isotopic values were said to be present in the material, indicating that it did not originate on Earth. Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, made a comment that no longer seems to be true.

“We have, indeed, been contacted — or even visited — by extraterrestrial beings,” he added, adding that “the US government, in coordination with other Earth national forces, is trying to withhold this information from the general public.” It seems that the truth has now been uncovered, and the public has proof of what they have long known to be true. 


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