The Anunnaki, often referred to as the 'ones who descended from the heavens,' are a recurring theme in Sumerian writings. These entities were envisioned as a race of extraordinary beings responsible for engineering humanity over 50,000 years ago. Accounts in Genesis even allude to the existence of a twelfth celestial body named Nibiru, inhabited by humanoid beings remarkably akin to us. According to lore, they encountered atmospheric challenges on their home planet, and in their quest for gold, they ventured to Earth.
Once on Earth, the Anunnaki initially labored as servants but soon revealed themselves to their ruling elite. They demanded the creation of a subordinate species to bear the weight of their toil, leading to the birth of a new, lower order of beings.
The Anunnaki invested considerable effort in managing the gold mines on Earth. However, upon their return, they were appalled by the condition of the planet. This compelled them to press their subordinates back into mining duties.
The situation took a darker turn following the creation of humanity. The newly fashioned race exhibited a ruthless and untamed nature. It seemed as though the only solution was the potential extinction of all life on Earth.